On the hill where I live, we still have snow on the ground. The calendar says it’s been Spring for about a week now, but I have to look a little harder for the signs. The sun does feel a little brighter and hotter, the birds are definitely a bit more active, and there are some new buds swelling on the trees, but what is really connecting me to Spring now are HOPE and FAITH.
What I love most about Spring is that this season is the culmination of our hope and faith in the earth’s cycles. We have waited patiently through the cold darkness of Winter. Those of us in more Northern climates have been called upon to keep our hope and faith in the return of Spring alive. There is no guarantee that the warmth (and with it the new life) that we need for survival will come back. It’s our hope and our faith that keep us certain that the cycles will continue, uninterrupted.
This is truly a spiritual practice at its finest.