Late Season Rock Stars

It’s Been A Long Time
September 7, 2018
Back to Work on Herbal Arts Apothecary
March 19, 2019

I suppose I could say that Fall is in partial (as opposed to full) effect here in the Northeast. Because it has been so damp, the changing of the leaves is behind schedule. Some trees are finally starting to turn, but to me, it’s odd seeing mostly green leaves against the strikingly blue October skies. In other news, the temperatures are dropping as expected, and our leafy plants are dying back considerably. Many of them have already gone to seed, dried, fading remnants of their former selves.

There are, however, some late season, rock stars. Plants still vibrant and colorful, providing much needed forage for the pollinators. I’ve noticed that many of these (giant marigolds, zinnias, and Mexican sunflowers, to name a few) are tall Aster family plants with colorful disc flowers. These flowers not only provide sustenance for the Monarch butterflies, bumble bees, and some wasps), but bring my soul so much joy.

This brings me to an important point about healing with plants. People often ask me which herb is good for what, and I try to answer as best I can, although this is an admittedly sometimes complicated question. What I know for ABSOLUTE CERTAIN is that any human, of any age, and with any health condition can heal themselves on some level by just being with plants. This year in the garden my focus had broadened from the medicinal plants I know and love so dearly, to FLOWERS! Flowers simply for the sake of flowers- planted solely for their beauty, vibrant energy, and feel good power. Pictured above are the Mexican sunflowers that I have fallen in love with, that grace the back of my garden.

It is so wonderful to walk around the yard and experience the flowers that remain. It truly feels like a gift as the season changes.